Seasoned Greens

I for one do not eat greens so you will have to take my husbands word that he loved the greens I cooked last night!  You can use this recipe for any type of greens, in this case I cooked Rape.  We had a few plants that volunteered from last years food plot that we planted for the deer.


Seasoned Greens


Seasoned Greens
1 bunch of greens (Collards, Turnips, Rape etc)
2-3 cups of water depending on amount of greens
1 Tbs THRIVE Red & Green Bell Peppers
2 tsp THRIVE Freeze Dried Onions
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp worcestershire
1 tsp soy sauce
sea salt to taste
1 tsp Texas Pete
Thoroughly wash greens removing any dirt or unwelcome critters! Bring greens and seasonings to a boil, cover and simmer until greens are dark green and tender.
I’m linking to Six Sisters Stuff

Categories: Sides Vegetarian
